Loungewear is Self Care Too
December 30, 2020
November 3, 2020
There is a very short list of things that are good about the winter. Like short short, like you can write it all out on a post it note. But on that short list, one of the items that brings a little joy to winter is Jackets and Coats and all the beauty they bring to a look. Over here on the east coast it's already getting pretty cold, and once the temperatures drop to a certain level our outfits just become outerwear. You probably won't even see what we have on underneath very often. It's just a lot of hats, scarves, and coats shuffling around.
If you follow me on Instagram ( which you absolutely should be) then you saw that I posted a link to one of my favorite winter coats recently and a lot of you bought it. That's when I realized you might be in the market for some winter coat options and with so many places to look I figured I would do the leg work and round up a few good ones for you.
So check out some of the options below. If you click any of the items it will take you straight to the website to check out the prices and details.
Happy Shopping my loves!
September 25, 2020

Finding the balance between buying the things I want and taking care of my responsibilities has been an ongoing struggle for me, especially as a blogger. Sharing the latest trends and styling new outfits is literally part of my job, so I had to find a way to be able to do that and still make sure I wasn't digging myself in a hole. A lot of you have asked how I always find a coupon code, or when you see me buy a higher ticket item you've asked how I've been able to do it because you know I typically lean towards a discount. Where there's a will there's a way, but beyond that, there are also a few little tricks I've found along the way that have helped me be able to responsibly shop.
Buy Now Pay Later
Buy now pay later is a service that's not news to any of us. I'm sure you have either seen or used one of these options at checkout when you're online shopping. This has been one of my most utilized shopping tools and I'm not afraid to say it. In fall and winter, there are a lot of bigger ticket items that are necessary for the weather and may seem like too large of an investment, but these services make them far more attainable. If you're on the east coast you have to have a jacket, coat, and pair of boots and if you're anything like me you have to have several different variations and styles because in this weather that's literally the entire outfit. Since we are currently in the season it's a little less often than you will find these items on sale, but with these buy now pay later services it makes things a little more affordable.
The top three that I swear by are Afterpay, Quadpay, and Klarna. I've written an article about Quadapay before that goes a little more in-depth, but these companies take the total of your item and splits it into 4 equal payments ( with $1 added to each payment) every two weeks over a course of 6 weeks. So for example, if your Jacket costs $200 instead of you paying that upfront you will instead pay $51 upfront the day you are making your purchase and then $51 every two weeks, for three more times. You have no IDEA how many things I've purchased through these companies. They typically have a list of retailers that they work with and you will notice when you are online shopping and go to checkout they will be listed under the payment options. You would simply select them as your form of payment and it will redirect you to their site to log in and complete your transaction.
Although all of them are a god send I would have to pick Afterpay and Quadpay as my favorite two. Some of the benefits that Afterpay has that Quadpay does not is that they usually run sales with their retailers and you can get special deals when shopping if you use Afterpay at checkout ( Klarna does this as well if you shop at H&M). They even have an " Afterpay Day" when there are insane deals, at places like Forever21, Oak and Fort, MAC to name a few, and you use their specific discount code and use afterpay at checkout and BOOM money saved. It's awesome. I never miss an Afterpay Day, and sometimes I will even wait until Afterpay day to make purchases on items I don't believe will go out of stock.
Quadpay on the other hand does not usually run these kinds of discounts, but where they may lack in that area they make up for in the fact that you can use Quadpay anywhere. Not only is the list of places you can checkout with Quadpay endless you can also physically use it in-store as your form of payment. YES!! I mean at the register of your favorite store. My favorite place to use it is when I'm in Sephora buying up all the makeup. The total can get a bit intimidating and having the ability to just pay 25% of the cost upfront is a godsend. Now let's circle back to the " you can use it anywhere" because I really want to make sure I'm clear here. If you can google the store you can use Quadpay there. Outside of clothing, I have even used Quadpay to pay for airfare, Airbnb, Vacation packages, a heating bill that was far more than I could have imagined one month, and on amazon for props for a shoot. Quadpay definitely is the queen when it comes to accessibility. No other service tops it in that area. The only con for me is all the online shopping has to be initiated in their app in order to use it. Sometimes this is annoying when I'm already on a site ready to checkout. With the other services like Afterpay and Klarna you usually see the option of payment built in at checkout in the retailers that they work with.
So if you have a shopping list that you would love to hit checkout on but you wish there was some kind of layaway option. There is in fact, there's three so you don't have to wait anymore. I almost forgot the best part. Once you make that first payment the items are yours. It's not like back in the day when you would put something on layaway and you couldn't have it until you paid it off. You are literally buying it now and paying later. Your items will ship to you in their regular timeframe as if you paid the total amount upfront. And if you change your mind and want to make a return you will still get back whatever you paid for them. Returns function just the same. These services will refund you the initial payment or however many payments you made on the items.
Amazing! I know.
I get so many texts and DM's asking me for coupon codes because it is a well-known fact that I usually find a coupon code for everything. I recently found out that many of you think I have some kind of secret inside insight into these companies marketing plans ( I wish I did) but that's not it at all. I use an app and website called Shoptagr that literally scours the internet for me and pulls every coupon code it can find and applies it at checkout and makes sure I get the best value. THIS HAS BEEN A GAME CHANGER FOR ME. I used to stop what I was doing and go google forever trying to find a coupon code while I would shop to make sure I wasn't missing sales. I swear to god this app was made just for me. How it works is you have to go to their webpage sign up and install the chrome plugin into the toolbar, and every time that you go to checkout while you are shopping Shoptagr will stop you and ask you if you would like to check for any discounts. It will then run all the discount codes it can find through the website until one sticks, and if several stick it will only apply the one with the highest discount. The other day I posted a denim H&M dress that people have asked me about for years that they recently restocked, when I went to checkout to check for a discount it pulled a $10 off coupon code.
Another amazing feature it has is while you're shopping you can save items that you're interested within list you create in Shoptagr. You put a notification on those items and when the price drops Shoptagr will notify you so that you can get it at the best price. I CAN'T EVEN TELL YOU HOW MANY THINGS I'VE GOTTEN ON SALE THAT I WOULD HAVE PAID FULL PRICE FOR BECAUSE OF THIS SITE!!! So when I tell you I genuinely love Shoptagr I mean it wholeheartedly. Y'all know how near and dear getting a deal is to my heart and pockets, and it's like this app was made just for me and I love it. So if you do not have the app or are not signed up DO IT ASAP ROCKY.
This one does not relate to clothing but it does save you hella money so I decided to throw it into the mix. We all know that traveling right now is a touchy subject and if you are able to travel flights are pretty cheap. Although that may be the case currently there are still times during the year, certain days of the week, different moments the wind blow when different airlines lower their flight prices. Unless you are someone that travels regularly it's not likely that you would know offhand when those times would be. Many people follow different cheap flight company twitter accounts and stalk them to find out when flights will drop. Although, this may also work you could also sign up for Hopper and put the dates and specifications of the flight you're looking for and hopper will actually notify you when the flight price has dropped. They even now have an option where you can freeze the price for a specified amount of days if you don't have the money at that exact moment so you don't miss out on the lower price. I have used this app for every flight I've taken in the past couple of years and it has found me the cheapest every single time. Another amazing coin saving hack. So when the world opens back up and we feel a little more comfortable shopping I'll be right on the next cheap flight out to lay on an island with somebody's son (my boyfriend to be exact lol).
Well now that I've shared my top tricks and treats I really hope you give them a try. All of these sites are free to sign up. If you end up trying any of them out definitely let me know, and if you have any other cost-saving hacks I'm not aware of please spill the tea and let me know. Each one teach one right?
September 15, 2020
It's the most wonderful time of the year! Although, not for the weather. This is solely for the fashions. As an east coast native, born and bred, I know fall is only a tease that leads to the cold brutal winter. But as we dreadfully await below freezing temperatures and hibernating in the house we do have a few weeks filled with the year's best fashion. They say fall is for the fashion girls and that is 100% fact. There's nothing I love more than cozy knits, beautiful boots, and statement making coats. So let's get into this!
I will include a picture of all my favorite picks from each section at the end of this post.
If you don't already have a blazer in your wardrobe do yourself a favor and get one.... or 10 fast! As someone that works a 9-5 that requires a more business casual dress code, but also enjoys a happy hour after work, having blazers is an easy way for me to take a more casual look to the office. Those padded Tshirts that I STAN for on instagram ( if you're not following me already you can do that here) I wear those all the time to the office and throw a blazer over them so I can get away with it in the office. Now if you are working from home and maybe going out here and there on the weekends the possibility with blazers are endless. Their definetly one of those pieces you use to wear an outfit several ways.

July 7, 2020

It's pretty ironic because growing up I walked around sucking in my bottom lip because I was so embarrassed by how big they were. Oh to be young and foolish. When I first started wearing lipsticks I had a VERY hard time finding colors that complimented my skin tone. After years of nudes that looked like I literally just rubbed ash onto my lips, and bright colors that washed me out, I'm here to help us brown girls with shades that really accentuate our glow, because WE HAVE SO MUCH GLOW SIS!!!
So those lips I once used to hide? I flaunt them every single chance I get. Unfortunately, right now masks don't really allow us to show off our lipsticks, BUT in preparation for better days, I wanted to give you guys a list of my favorite lipsticks for black girls.
Check out the links below ladies. Let me know if you give any of these a try I would love to see how it worked out for you. Tag me on Instagram @guiltyofglitz_ so I can see!!!
Plums and Pinks
PINK WAS MADE FOR BLACK GIRLS, and this was truly hard concept for me to become comfortable with. I always felt like pink was a little too bright for my complexion and the ones I had previously experimented with really washed out my skin tone. Not all pinks are created equal. You may just need to find a pink or plum with a deeper tone. This will help it to better compliment your complexion. Here are a few of my faves.1. Laura Mercier Velour Extreme Matte: FAB
2. MAC: Flat out Fabulous
3. MAC: Rebel
4. Mented Cosmetics: Hot Date
5. The Lip Bar:Prima Donna
Deeper Colors
3. Mented Cosmetics: Blacker the Berry
4. Mented Cosmetics: Dark Night
5. The Lip Bar: Drama Queen
July 6, 2020
We are currently week, who even knows anymore because we have all lost count, and instead of leaning into focusing in on all the things I can't do anymore, I'm choosing to find joy in the little practices that have become acts of self-love. When we had the option to run the streets and take in all outside had to offer, some of the items on my list weren't as important to me as they now are. Everything around us is uncertain, and the world is filled with so much pain and hurt right now. There were weeks where I just went dark and really needed to hold on to some joy in the midst of chaos. I hope that if you haven't already, that some of these things that have brought me joy can bring you a little bit of happiness as well.
Shower Spa Experience
Netflix, Hulu, and all The Shows
Creating Content/ Social Media Engagement
Working Out
May 22, 2020
Missguided: 50% off. Extra 15% off everything with code "takeextra15"; extra 20% off select items with code "mem20"; students get an extra 20% off everything.
Mango: 30% off everything
Boohoo: 60% off everything
Nine West: 40% off everything and an extra 50% off sandals
Topshop: Up to 50% off everything
Farmacy: 25% off everything and a free tote with a purchase of $100
Nastygal: 60% off everything

April 26, 2020
It's the most wonderful time of the year. It's the Sephora spring sale and your girl has been SHOPPING. Not just pick up a few things here or there I mean just throw it in the bag shopping. My justification is that I've been really responsible with my money since this lockdown and I deserve one little splurge in the interest of self-care. So I decided to really invest in upholding my current skincare regimen as well as trying out a few new products that will help address some of my skincare concerns.
The sale is 20% for Rouge members until 5/1, 15% off for VIB members until 4/29, and 10% off for Insiders until 4/27 ( welp today so you better get on the good foot if you want to get something).
Treating my skin has really been an uphill battle for years. I suffer from Seborrheic Dermatitis which causes inflammation and flaking of the skin. It can be very frustrating at times, as flare-ups cause very painful visible dry patches on my face, scalp, and ears. I have seen a dermatologist who helped me to really get it under control during one of my worse flare-ups, but since then I have done a lot of research to find ways to treat the skin, specifically on my face, with products that were less harsh and nonsteroid based. I have been asked why I would spend so much on skincare, but I would far rather invest in healing my skin issues then investing in makeup to just hide the problem and make it worse.
Now that I've spilled all of my tea, I wanted to give you all a more in-depth look at some of the products that I have been using and have really worked for me as well as some new products I decided to give a try. As you go through this list please keep in mind that my skin concerns may be different than yours so it's important to identify what products will address your personal concerns. My skin is extremely dry. DRY AS THE SAHARA DESERT DRY so after much research and trial and error I curated a regimen that focused on providing moisture and evening skin tone ( as I have some hyperpigmentation and discoloration from picking at the dry patches I would get during flare-ups). So without further ado let's get into this.
Tinted Moisturizer

April 19, 2020
The past few weeks have been like something out of a movie, to say the least. We are all quite unsure about what the state of our economy, our health, and any other plans we had are going to be going forward. Many of us are working from home, completely out of work, or still working and trying to find a way to deal with the glaring anxiety of what is happening. I know personally, this has been quite the emotional roller coaster for me. I'm blessed to have a job that allows me to work from home and a secondary job that closed down to protect us. But the uncertainty of everything has left me with a need to disconnect. My main source of mental relief has and always will be binging a show. Yes, I know to some this may seem ridiculous but it has always been a great escape for me. Whenever I've been overwhelmed, upset, or stressed I carve out some time to allow myself to get lost in someone else's world.
So as we all try to keep from going stir crazy while banding together to protect one another I wanted to share some of the shows that I've been watching to keep me entertained. I'm still not stir crazy yet and for that, I can thank this list.
- Insecure (HBO)- Speaking of Issa, literally the most relatable comedy I've ever seen about a young black woman trying to navigate dating in your 30's. Honestly one of my favorite shows, and I've never related to a character more.
- Euphoria (HBO)- I'll just say Zendaya DID THAT!!!
- YOU (Netflix)- Insanely creepy, yet captivating show about a hot Pierce Badgley being a weird creepy stalker
- Love is Blind( Netflix)- A reality show that tests the theory that people can fall in love without ever seeing one another. Also, get ready to want to punch Jessica in her face every episode.
- This is Us (Hulu/ NBC)- Do not watch this without a pack of tissues readily available. It pretty much gets a tear from me every episode. But if you want your heart to melt all over the place give it a watch and get into Randall and Beth.
- 90 Day Fiance- BAAABBBYYYY this will take you through the whole damn quarantine. I don't think I've ever laughed this much at a reality show or been in such shock in how naive people can be. But if you want something a little less serious that is FUNTY!!!! BABY this is 110% for you. If you really want to test it out I would say start with " 90 day fiance: Before the 90 days" Season 4. I promise after that you will swan dive into the rabbit hole.